Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Red & White Meringues

Still playing with the Milk & Cookies theme!

This the last set of photos with my meringues!

I only made a small batch of each color and we've eaten them all!  Click HERE to see the lemon meringue images and click HERE to see the pink striped cookies.

This time I have red and white striped meringue cookies and a red and white striped straw.

Milk & Cookies - Red & White 1
Milk & Cookies - Red & White 1

This image was taken with the basic camera app on my phone.  I opened the image in the RD Magic app to add the lacy "wallpaper" and to blur the side edges. Then into the Rhonna app to add the circles and text.

Milk & Cookies - Red & White 2
Milk & Cookies - Red & White 2

A similar image - again taken with the basic camera app on my phone.  This time I opened it up in the Waterlogue app and applied the "Travelogue" filter - love the worn and aged look.

Milk & Cookies - Red & White 3
Milk & Cookies - Red & White 3

This is the same image as above.  This time I used Waterlogue to create two images - one with the "it's Technical" filter and the second with the "Rainy" filter.  Then I opened both images in the Diana app and blended them.
Keeping With The Times
Check out App Happy Wednesday for more images and great tips on using your phone apps.

I hope that you have a wonderful day!

Be Wonderfully Odd!


  1. These are great! I am fascinated with that top one and the added wallpaper! I am going to check out that app. I also love how that straw blurs away- very cool!

  2. I agree with Melinda, I'm intrigued by the lacy wallpaper ... must check that out! All your edits are amazing! Thanks so much for linking up today, Sheila!

  3. So beautiful compositions & edits - I will check the wallpaper app!

  4. Well, you certainly had fun with that challenge! These are wonderful and I love the way you created the background. I have the Rhonna app but seldom use it and I need to check out the RD app.

  5. Love how you blended the two filters in Waterlouge. That first edit is gorgeous.

  6. How wonderful! I just peeked at all your milk and cookie images, I love the colors.
