Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Making Art with Phone Apps

I've been playing with my phone apps again and I'm joining App Happy Wednesday too!

I didn't have an image that I really liked this week - so I made another mixed-media-like piece.

Phone App Art
Phone App Art

This started out in the Rhonna App where I picked an orange pink background with sun spots.
Moved this into the Pic Grunger App and added the "weathered" effect and the "pulp" texture set on the "studio" style.

Next I opened the RD Magic App.  I added a light leak to lighten the colors and 4 different textures (erasing sections to let the lowers layers show through) a rock texture on the right, newsprint in the center, a map along the bottom, and lace on the left side.

Into the Distressed FX App to apply a filter to add blue in the upper half of the image and yellow on the lower half.  Also added the birds flying in the background.

Finally back into the Rhonna App to add the bird with a top hat and branch.  Also lots and lots of detail - paint dabs along the edges, several faded pink wings, a bird cage, dots and arrows and textural bits throughout.
So much fun!

Check out the "app" happy wednesday button for more images and great tips on using your phone apps!

Have an awesome day!
Be Wonderfully Odd!


  1. This is absolutely amazing! You've combined so many different elements and created an art journal style layout - love it! Thanks so much for linking up today, Sheila!

  2. So much fun is right and I just love these colors. I may have to break down and get the magic app. It will give me something new to play with this weekend. I photographed some of my gelli plate backgrounds and I've been playing on the iPad with them. I nearly have one ready to share on Instagram.

  3. This does look like fun, Sheila! I love what you've created here! Nicely done!
