Friday, August 22, 2014

Koi Fish

Friday finds me playing around with some really awful koi fish pictures that I snapped last week.

I find that is difficult to take pictures of koi fish - the water is murky, the sun is too bright, and fish don't sit still for their portrait {sigh}.

I love how they come swarming to the pool edge when they see your shadow, mouth open asking for treats.  I also adore their beautiful bright colors and graceful movements.

Here is the original image.

I plopped this image into photoshop (elements) cropped and removed a few fish, added a photoshop painterly artistic filter (something that I hardly ever play with), added one of photoshops textures, and a few blue grey geometric shapes.  Oh, and I increased the color saturation a bit so that the koi have a warm glow.

Sometimes it's fun to play around with a poor image - just to see what kind of "magic" happens.

I hope that you have a magical day and a wonderful weekend!

Be Wonderfully Odd!


  1. Hi Sheila, so glad to meet you--thanks for stopping by my blog. I love the "magic" that happened with your pic--just beautiful and I got a little chuckle from what you said about "sitting still for their portrait"--cute!

  2. You certainly did create magic! I love the colors. The circle ripple in the water frames the fish really well, and the air bubble are an added bonus. You did forget one other difficulty with photographing fish - reflections. Have a great weekend!

  3. They glow, like neon! Very nice work and you met your 'challenge' well.

  4. I like when a poor image can be salvaged through some creative editing! I love your finished edit. The orange simply pops out of the background! Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment today.

  5. Beautiful edit- what a difference!!!

  6. It turned out beautiful, Sheila, well done !Lovely bright colors too !Have a nice weekend,Sylvia
