Friday, August 15, 2014

A Visit to the Arboretum

Rose Gardens

Earlier this week we strolled through the arboretum.  Not only are the flowers gorgeous but the walkways are amazing.  

I'm joining Friday Finds with photos from this visit (warning - lots of photos!)

Rose Gardens

Although I took hundreds of photos, mostly flowers, I did not want to overlook the quiet beauty of these wonderful walkways.

Sit for a bit under an ancient oak tree

Ancient Oak Tree

Stroll through the magnificent hosta glade.

Hosta Glade

The rose gardens were in full bloom during our visit - and here are just a few pics.

Splattered Roses Splattered Roses

Lots of butterfly and bumblebee sightings too!

We startled this baby bunny (hiding in the hedge) while walking through the Victory Garden exhibits - he'd been nibbling on the arboretum's leaf lettuce!

Baby bunny

I have so many photos from this visit!  I'm sure that more images will find their way on to a blog post or two.

Have a great weekend!

Be Wonderfully Odd!


  1. These are breathtaking! This must be a magical place to walk with a camera! I see we have a lot in common, love for pathways, benches, and all things nature.

  2. I so enjoyed the walk through these gardens. The arched cover is spectacular! And the roses, butterflies and bunny are a delight. The rudbeckia shot is stunning Sheila!

  3. Oh, what a wonderful place, Sheila !Pretty roses, lovely walkways, ... all so beautifully captured !Enjoyed your gorgeous photos !Have a nice weekend,Sylvia

  4. How wonderful to walk through this beautiful place, thank you sharing ! I love the roses and the butterfly and bee photos especially :)

  5. Wow! I'd like to visit your arboretum! Your photos are lovely and really show the beauty so well. Makes me want to visit!

  6. Wowza! Such beautiful photos of a very beautiful place. (Now I really want to visit there!!!) AND color coordinated is that monarch on the orange flower!!??!! Very cool!

  7. Truly a wonderful garden! I love the tones in your images and the butterfly is simply stunning!

  8. Oh, dear...I've been 'odd' so long, I thought it was normal. :)Beautiful photos

  9. I never tire of botanical gardens and arboretums. I think it's those winding paths, never knowing what's just around the corner, soft breezes, the hum of insects and the songs of birds.Your photos are truly visual treats . . . and a beautiful place to meditate and revel in thankfulness.

  10. Beautiful pictures! What a wonderful place to walk. My favorites are your first rose picture and the last yellow flower picture, I love how the flowers go on forever. I wish summer could go on forever...
