Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Inspired by Paintings

This week in BeStill52 our challenge is to create a still-life image that is inspired by a painting.

 It seemed perfectly natural to texture the image - so I'm using it for Texture Tuesday too!

Pomegranates & Merlot1
Pomegranates & Merlot1

I used two of Kim's textures - Pumpkin Grunge and Mustard Seed - for deep warm color.  I also added one of my own, a simple scanned copy of a piece of canvas.

Pomegranates & Merlot2
Pomegranates & Merlot2

and one that is "water colorized" and textured with a canvas like layer.

Pomegranates & Merlot3
Pomegranates & Merlot3
It's been quite a long time since I last purchased a pomegranate - not only did I love taking close-up photos of the beautiful color and shape of this fruit - I am enjoying eating the sweet juicy seeds!

Have a beautiful day!

Be Wonderfully Odd!

Poms - close-up
Poms - close-up


  1. Brilliant. Such class.That pomegranate is so photogenic and you created real art with it. A treat.

  2. Just took a peek at your jewellery: fabulous!What gorgeous designs.

  3. Works of art!!! So beautiful!

  4. Wonderful photos. We like pomegranates here too-a lot of work but worth it.

  5. Well, Sheila! It looks like you had a great deal of fun with this week's Be Still lesson. I've seen some great work from others, too, on this lesson. I think it was a hit. And for sure, your photos are a hit. Great work.

  6. Super images Sheila ! Love !

  7. Wow! Your Bestill52 still life project is stunning! They look like beautiful oil paintings. Your pomegranate close ups are wonderful, just fabulous work.

  8. Classic, timeless pictures that could elegantly grace the walls in any home!

  9. These colors are so rich and pleasing. Your orchid complements the pom so well. Who would have thought! And2 wnderful texture edits!

  10. Beautiful! (Oddly enough, I bought a pomegranate this week, too, at least partly so I could photograph it!)

  11. What beautiful images! Love the macros

  12. I love this series of shots! So beautiful.

  13. These are so lovely! While I think the still life shots are wonderful, it's the macro shots of the pomegranate that really stole the show for me.

  14. So well done! My favorite of the top group is the third one. I love the textures look. Beautiful macro images as well!
