Friday, August 30, 2013

Friday Finds

I'm joining Friday Finds today!

Last week my aunt Wilma gave me two pairs of some very old
– she also gave me an old post card that my Grandmothers, Grandmother
received from her brother many years ago.

It is a Christmas greeting and I just love this
image of a child on a sled. 

Post Card 
Post Card

I’m fascinated by the address – it is addressed to the city

of Luck “Vis” (Wisconsin) and “Noramerika” (North America) and no zip code!.

Back of Post Card 
Back of Post Card

And look at his handwriting!

I love the curls in the “e” and “g”

Close up of Post Card 
Close up of Post Card

Have a lovely weekend!

Be wonderfully odd!


  1. hello Sheila.... thanks for linking up with Friday Finds...... I absolutely adore your find...and oh my... the post cards....and hand writing.... Be Still my Heart.... have a beautiful weekend...xo

  2. oh how pretty. I love the way you've photographed it. It looks so holiday-ish with the oak leaves and acorns.

  3. Oh is that postcard just priceless and so cute!!! You are really blessed to have it now, and thanks for sharing it with us today. I agree on the handwriting and pretty curly strokes.

  4. And to think it found the people it was meant for with just that as an address. I guess the world was smaller then.That postcard with the lovely image and handwriting, as well as the family connection, is a wonderful find for sure.

  5. Post card sent to your Great Grandma from her brother in Denmark wishing her Merry Christmas. Found it with your Grandma Helen's things. I can see why she still had it - such a cute picture. I knew you would treasure it as much as I did. Wilma

  6. Beautiful hand writing is such a lost art. So cool that you have this.

  7. Your Grandma would be so pleased that you find such joy in her treasures.
