Tuesday, August 20, 2013

A Week of Color - Tuesday

A Week of Color and a Texture Tuesday too!

Today's color inspiration comes from a bouquet of farmer's market flowers.  The pink and yellow straw flower is made brighter and more vibrant because it is next to a combination of contrasting and complimentary colors - a deep purple flower and a the yellow-green stem of a gladiola.

Bright and vibrant color combination. 
Bright and vibrant color combination.

Texture Tuesday!

Here is the same photo with the colors desaturated and layered with two of Kim Klassen's beautiful textures.  

Layered with Kim Klassen's Culligan texture and Culligan_Scripted texture.  
Layered with Kim Klassen's Culligan texture and Culligan_Scripted texture.

Have a great Tuesday - I'll share a new color board tomorrow, hope to see you back on Wednesday!

Be wonderfully odd!


  1. Just beautiful, Sheila! I think both versions are gorgeous!

  2. so pretty. I love this color combination. I like both pictures equally.

  3. The colors just make me want to sing they are so beautiful....I love your processing; it gave the shot such a soft pretty look....

  4. Beautiful flowers! I love both the original and the textured version.

  5. Oh the beautiful Autumn colors are starting to appear. Love the color block in the first one. Lovely!

  6. Absolutely gorgeous!! Just the right amount of desaturation!! Still plenty of beautiful tones!! Thanks for stopping by my blog! It's nice to meet someone else who went to college later in life. I am the oldest person in my class :)

  7. What a beautiful photo and then the texture gives it a whole new look

  8. Oh, I like how you put the color swatches below. Not sure how you did that. Is it from The Coffeeshop Blog or your own technique? Anyway, the flowers are so bright and cheery, and the texture you used on the second made them look softer. Really like it. Thanks for stopping by Peabea's Patch and commenting. Have a great week.~hugs~Peabea from Texture Tuesday
