Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Holland Blue and Some Pretty Red Apples

The busy holidays are over, the decorations have been put away, and the refrigerator is stocked with fresh vegetables, fruit, and other healthy foods.

We are back to our normal routine.

There is some comfort in this - a slowing down after weeks of busyness, anticipation, and over eating.

I so enjoy, and appreciate, the quiet calmness of January.

Holland Blue
Holland Blue

I used several textures on this image, including Kim Klassen's Justatouch2.

I hope your day is wonderful!
Be Wonderfully Odd!


  1. Your lovely photo is very calming, perfect for the calm and quiet that follows the rush of holidays. January is definitely a slower paced month, one I'm sure we need so we can be restored in body and mind.

  2. So lovely, Sheila, the tones are gorgeous !Wishing you a wonderful 2015 !Sylvia

  3. I appreciate the calmness of January also, your beautiful image reflects it's peacefulness. I wish my refrigerator looked like yours, I still have too many sweets and leftovers. I am ready to eat healthy again. :)

  4. The quietness of January is always a welcome time for me as well, and the snow today gave an even nicer feeling. It is good our bodies tell us to eat fresh vegetables and fruits after all the sugar and extras of holiday baking. The Holland Blue dish is simply adorable (some of my favorite kinds of pieces) and the red apples are refreshing nestled inside. Such a beautiful still photo for today. Wishing you a Happy New Year Sheila!

  5. A lovely still-image. I love the mellowed blue

  6. This is really very nice, I can picture it on a canvas in a kitchen. Lovely.

  7. Your image processing has a beautiful Winter feel to it, all cozy and warm.

  8. The blue tones set off the red of the apples so well. And I like the extravagance of the white space around the subject. Beautiful!

  9. Wonderful. The one apple off to the side looks like it just needs to be eaten. I love the green spot on it.

  10. Absolutely beautiful! So soothing and calm.

  11. My favorite kinds of photos, so simple, so perfect!

  12. This is a beautifully calm scene for January... and I love seeing autumn fruit in winter, don't you? It reminds us of the bounty to come, in just a few months.

  13. Beautiful! I love those blues!
