Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Bead Love


I'm joining Texture Tuesday with some bead love <3

These little birdhouse beads are so sweet.  I love the roughed up and aged look of these beads.  I plan to add them to some beaded pendants that I am currently working on.

I used two layers of Kim Klassen's PaperStained texture to this image.  And I added a favorite quote!

Have a great day!

Be wonderfully Odd!


  1. Those are so cute!!! Beautiful composition.

  2. I've never seen beads like these, but how cute!!! And the quote your chose to accompany them is perfect. Lovely warm color too.

  3. What cute and different beads and the quote is a beautiful finishing touch.

  4. oh what pretty little beads...I wonder what you could make with them. I think I would just leave them on a little table for a while and enjoy them just as they are.

  5. aren't those just the sweetest little beads!
