Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Strawberries and Spoons

Over the weekend I bought a package of bright red strawberries.  It is only recently, within the last year or two, that I've liked strawberries - I disliked them as a child and for years never gave them a second chance.  I am grateful that I tried them again, oh so delicious!

This package of strawberries did not look like the typical strawberries that I see in the supermarket during the spring and summer months - usually oblong, wide, and wedged-shaped.

All of the berries in this package were almost identical in size and color - and in a perfect conical shape.  I imaged how pretty they would look dipped in chocolate and arranged on a pretty platter, or skewered on wooden sticks ready to be dipped in a chocolate fondue, or sliced and fanned over chocolate mousse.

Chocolate and strawberries - a combo that I've have not tried.  Perhaps, with Valentines day fast approaching, I should give it a try!

How about you - are you a strawberry lover?

Strawberries and Spoons - one
Strawberries and Spoons - one

I'm joining Texture Tuesday and BeStill52 today.  The picture above is textured with two layers of Kim's Extremegrunge and one layer of Februarymagic.

Strawberries and Spoons - two
Strawberries and Spoons - two

I hope your day is awesome!
Be Wonderfully Odd!

Strawberries and Spoons - three
Strawberries and Spoons - three


  1. Wonderful spoon ! I love strawberries but find they don't have much taste this time of the year. Strawberries dipped in chocolat is something I'm going to try for sure, i love chocolat :)

  2. Love each angle here Sheila, the processing gives this such a wonderful moody feel. I am so glad you post to your blog, it seems fewer people are and I am so thankful you do. Great spoon series, gorgeous stuff.

  3. These are stunning Sheila! Love the little bit of blue in the towel with the red strawberries.

  4. Sheila these are awesome! My favorite is the top image, the black background, cheese cloth and the perfectly placed strawberries. I love strawberries. Strawberries covered in dark chocolate is one of my favorites, you will have to give it a try. :)

  5. Beautifully composed!! And you must try chocolate dipped strawberries--a great combination!

  6. I love these! I think my fave might be the middle one. I love from above shots and the comp on this is awesome and I love the angle of the blue textile. But I love the drama of the bottom one and the comp of the first.

  7. beautiful presentation, and i love strawberries

  8. The strawberries look delicious...and you have displayed them beautifully here with your spoon...yes, dipped in chocolate makes them more than a fruit...it makes them a luxury...

  9. I love these Sheila! Beautiful work!

  10. I can't decide about strawberries....sometimes I like them and others... I do like homegrown ones, though, because they are truly sweet. During the winter here in Oregon, we get California berries, which just aren't as sweet. I'm sure it's because they are picked green for shipping. Your spoon and berries combo is a beautiful one!

  11. Well, you're not going to believe this but I never liked strawberries as a child, either! It wasn't until after I married that I began to eat them but usually mixed with something else, chocolate-dipped being my favorite. I still can't just bite into a fresh, plain strawberry and eat it. I do love your photos, though! I do like strawberries as photo props. :-D

  12. The top photo is really a winner. Beautifully done. And, I always enjoy seeing the photo of you peeking out from behind your hair and cup.

  13. The straight in front shot with cheesecloth is marvelous! So is the top down angle.

  14. I love strawberries, in fact I had a chocolate covered one at the weekend when I was celebrating my birthday. You must try them ! Your photos are beautiful and I LOVE your spoon !

  15. The first photo is striking, with that angle on the spoon. What an intriguing spoon, too. I love strawberries and always have and could eat them every meal :)

  16. Totally love the results here, and what a great combination... this lovely spoon and the strawberries. A great still... and how fun with Kim's class. Thank you for stopping by my blog, and I have certainly enjoyed seeing your work.

  17. Sheila these are all stunning!! I love the angles you've taken, and how exciting you gave strawberries a second chance! I hope to see what you did with some for Valentine's day. I LOVE your spoons!!

  18. Beautiful images.... I love your up close & personal DOF, really displays the beauty of the strawberries & that wonderful spoon perfectly!

  19. All so beautifully captured, Sheila, those strawberries look so delicious !And a gorgeous spoon too !Love white chocolate dipped strawberries ... mmmm ! :-)Have a nice week,Sylvia

  20. Strawberries are so delicious, and dipped in chocolate they are even more delicious! I love your still life shots of them.

  21. Beautiful shots!
