Wednesday, February 4, 2015

A Painting - with Phone Apps

Playing around with phone apps again - just so much fun!

I'm just delighted with this image!

After I finished sketching a sweet girl in my sketchpad, I wondered what would happen if I snapped a picture and processed it in the Waterlogue App?

And this is the result!


I love how Waterlogue softens the pencil lines and lightens the colors.  I will certainly try this again with some of my other drawings.

I'm joining App Happy Wednesday today!

I hope your day is wonderful!
Be Wonderfully Odd!


  1. Sheila, I LOVE this!! Delicate face, and the waterlogue app just added a touch of whimsy to her. So sweet!!

  2. This is just awesome Sheila!!!!! Have you ever tried an of the sketch apps on the iPad? That's on my list to do and it's been on it for a year now. LOL

  3. I jsust noticed your watercolor stripes at the end. Do you just add them like an image?

  4. This is beautiful....Isn't Waterlogue wonderful? I don't know what we did before this app came along....
