Wednesday, February 25, 2015


I'm "painting" with phone apps again.  And I'm joining App Happy Wednesday too!
 few weeks ago I processed a picture of one of my face drawings (I love making faces!) through a painting app and I loved how it turned out.

This week I'm giving it a go again - and I think she is super cute!

Girl in swimsuit
Girl in swimsuit

I processed this drawing by taking a photo with my phone's basic Camera App and then using the Brushstroke App to make it look like a painting.  I used the W5 paint setting, the Duke paint pallet, and the orange colored canvas option.

Here are a couple of other versions using the Mextures App for a grungy look and the Waterlogue App for a soft and blurry water painting look.

Have an awesome day!
Be Wonderfully Odd!

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Day Dreaming

Day Dreaming Day Dreaming

The photo challenge in this weeks BeStill52 photo class was to shoot a vignette that included bunting (or ribbon, or something draped).  I'm also joining Texture Tuesday today!

I made the tiny bunting in these images by cutting diamond shapes from pages pulled from an old paperback, pressing the edges into a brown ink pad, stamping the letters in black ink, and folding the paper pieces over a brown string to create the triangle flags. I hung the bunting with strips of polka dot patterned Washi tape.

This photo challenge gave me a chance to play with my "new" old stack of worn and weathered books.  I love the frayed edges, the spines, and the brown-aged pages of old books!

I used three of Kim Klassen's textures on the image above - Sonnet, Goldenhour, and PumpkinGrunge.  I also used one of Kim's wreath stamps (from her mini holiday brush set) to add texture, and repeat the swag shape, in the background behind the bunting.  I used Kim's Cinnamon texture in the image below.


Here's to a dreamy day!
Be Wonderfully Odd!

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Making Faces

Currently on my work bench . . .
Faces that I created from clay last week now have layers of paint - Mars Black, Burnt Umber, and Titanium White - pretty neutral right now.
Their cuteness and personality are starting to shine through :)
Next up - some color - pinks, reds, and maybe some blues and purples too.

Behind the scenes
Behind the scenes

I hope that your day is a happy one!
Be Wonderfully Odd!

Flower Love

I'm loving these sweet orangey pink mini roses that I picked up last weekend at the grocery store.

I'm joining App Happy Wednesday today!

I used the PicTapGo app and applied four layers (Old Glory, SX-70, Fade to Grey, and Warm it Up) to the image.

Have an awesome day!
Be Wonderfully Odd!

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Good Morning!

Good Morning!

Just a quick post to share this weeks photography class photo challenge (a still-life image of breakfast) and to join the Texture Tuesday group.
The image above is textured with two layers of Kim Klassen's "1111" texture.

I hope you have a bright and beautiful day!
Be Wonderfully Odd!

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Currently Working on . . .

Making faces!

Making faces

Making faces

Next step - painting (many, many layers of paint)!

Have a great day!
Be Wonderfully Odd!

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

A Painting - with Phone Apps

Playing around with phone apps again - just so much fun!

I'm just delighted with this image!

After I finished sketching a sweet girl in my sketchpad, I wondered what would happen if I snapped a picture and processed it in the Waterlogue App?

And this is the result!


I love how Waterlogue softens the pencil lines and lightens the colors.  I will certainly try this again with some of my other drawings.

I'm joining App Happy Wednesday today!

I hope your day is wonderful!
Be Wonderfully Odd!

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Strawberries and Spoons

Over the weekend I bought a package of bright red strawberries.  It is only recently, within the last year or two, that I've liked strawberries - I disliked them as a child and for years never gave them a second chance.  I am grateful that I tried them again, oh so delicious!

This package of strawberries did not look like the typical strawberries that I see in the supermarket during the spring and summer months - usually oblong, wide, and wedged-shaped.

All of the berries in this package were almost identical in size and color - and in a perfect conical shape.  I imaged how pretty they would look dipped in chocolate and arranged on a pretty platter, or skewered on wooden sticks ready to be dipped in a chocolate fondue, or sliced and fanned over chocolate mousse.

Chocolate and strawberries - a combo that I've have not tried.  Perhaps, with Valentines day fast approaching, I should give it a try!

How about you - are you a strawberry lover?

Strawberries and Spoons - one
Strawberries and Spoons - one

I'm joining Texture Tuesday and BeStill52 today.  The picture above is textured with two layers of Kim's Extremegrunge and one layer of Februarymagic.

Strawberries and Spoons - two
Strawberries and Spoons - two

I hope your day is awesome!
Be Wonderfully Odd!

Strawberries and Spoons - three
Strawberries and Spoons - three