Tuesday, July 8, 2014


Taking a break to sip hot, milky coffee.

Soft morning light streams through the open window and outside birds sing softly.

Enjoying the stillness of a beautiful summer morning.

Summer Morning
Summer Morning

I'm joining Texture Tuesday and BeStill52 today.

I used two layers of Kim Klassen's "Cora" Texture on this image.

Have a beautiful day!

Be Wonderfully Odd!


  1. Oh my goodness!!! Sheila, this yarrow and cup are just gorgeous, gorgeous!! Beautiful tones, and I love how you've composed it! Yarrow is one of my favorites in my garden and it has just started blooming this week. Cute little milk bottle too!!

  2. Beverly Lewis CazzellJuly 8, 2014 at 3:31 PM

    Oh my goodness!!! Sheila, this yarrow and cup are just gorgeous, gorgeous!! Beautiful tones, and I love how you've composed it! Yarrow is one of my favorites in my garden and it has just started blooming this week. Cute little milk bottle too!!

  3. Beverly Lewis CazzellJuly 8, 2014 at 3:31 PM

    "Not Logged In" is from Beverly

  4. What a peaceful image. Your edit makes it so soft and pretty!

  5. Wow- so beautiful! Love the white tones and the peaceful feeling! Beautifully composed!

  6. Ahhh, your words and lovely photo are paired perfectly! So soft and peaceful.

  7. Ahhh, your words and lovely photo are paired perfectly. So soft and peaceful.

  8. Gorgeous still life! I like the sounds of the milky coffee, too!
