Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Birds and Statues

Finding a bit of joy today.

Just a handful of seed, nestled into the basin of this little garden statue, was enough to draw a feathery friend to visit.

Joy - Birds and Statues Joy - Birds and Statues

I'm loving Kim Klassen's Pinterest only textures.  I used two on this image - Pinitonly1 and Pinitonly3 (love the script in the corners!).

Have an awesome day!

Be Wonderfully Odd!


  1. This is just so beautiful and serene! LOVE the little birdy friend you captured....perfect!! Thank you for visiting my blog and your kind comment! :)

  2. Love the softness of the processing, but most of all the sweet feathered friend. We are enjoying a lot of yellow finches this summer...I love almost all birds. Love the garden statute. Have a lovely week Sheila!

  3. This is so sweet, Sheila, looks like the bird is really enjoying it also. I haven't used any of these textures, can't wait to try them out.

  4. Oh, what a sweet little statue! I have a little girl on a bench with a basket and never thought of putting bird seed in it. I think I shall ... although I'm sure the squirrels will hog them.

  5. so very sweet! i love it when my feathered friends come to visit. :)

  6. The textures soften and enhance our photo, love that you caught the bird.

  7. What a lovely little statue! And the bird is beautiful. Great shot.

  8. Such a sweet photo! Very pretty!!

  9. So sweet! I like the matte effect of your texture edit, too.

  10. So sweet! Though we have to keep our bird food up high, thanks to our kitty cats and all the neighbor's cats!

  11. Sheila so lovely love the texturing too
