Tuesday, April 8, 2014

For the Love of . . . Nature

I'm joining Texture Tuesday with a nature image.

I love snapping photos of birds - what a really, really love is when I capture one in mid-flight.
I can never capture an image like this intentionally - it is always by chance, and then often the image is blurry.

I snapped this photo last weekend (yes, we still had snow! - luckily it's melted away over the last few days).

Gosh, I think this little bird is beautiful and I love the bit of snow bursting from the branch from his takeoff.

I used one layer each of Kim Klassen's "Serious Magic" and "Canvas Magic" on this image.

Have a wonderful day!
Be Wonderfully Odd!


  1. Great Capture! I can never get a good shot on purpose of a bird flying either, but it is a wonderful accident when it does happen. :)Have a great week!

  2. I still have to learn how to capture movement, by chance or not... your picture is wonderful!

  3. You've captured this lovely bird's takeoff so beautifully, Sheila !Nature can be so wonderful ... !Nice week,Sylvia

  4. This shot is really great with his wing so spread out!! I would love to get some great bird captures, but it isn't looking good so far. Glad your snow is melting too!

  5. Wow! What an amazing image! The black and white and texture are just right, too.

  6. Oh, that's perfect! I can never get these in-flight shots either. So nice to see a success!

  7. It's those sort of shots which makes photography so special capturing a perfect moment.
