Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Sugar Pears

Sugar Pears

I've never seen sugar pears before.  When I spotted them in the grocery store I actually gasped and said "oh, these are so cute!" (I was shopping by myself) "these would look so adorable in photographs". 

As I reached over to grab a box of pears, I noticed an older man looking at me from the other side of the fruit bin.  

I was about to explain myself - but I thought better of it - how would I even explain it?  You either look at a piece of fruit and think "Wow, I'd love to photograph this" or you don't!

At least he walked away with a story about a crazy lady at the grocery store, talking to herself about how cute the fruit is!

I used Kim's Burntpumpkin and Paperstainlight textures on the image above.

Have an awesome day!
Be Wonderfully Odd!


  1. They are so cute!!! I love your photos of them. Since I photograph newborns occasionally, I am always looking for things to put a baby in. One time at a store, there was an old crate, and I said out loud, "Oh, I can put a baby in that!!" - and got some very strange looks.

  2. they sure do look pretty....and delicious!

  3. I would have done the same ! They are gorgeous and so are your images of them ! You will have to let us know how they taste ;)

  4. Ha ha! I know exactly what you mean. The red in these pears adds just the right amount of color to your beautiful images. Lovely! And Christmas-y!

  5. sheila, these pears are absolutely adorable! and i have to smile at your story about the crazy lady at the grocery store...i once dug through and entire box of pears just to get to the one that had the little piece of stem and leaf still attached...because of course i thought it would make a pretty photo. :)thanks so much for your kind words at focusing on life today!

  6. Wonderful. Love the pear in the hand.

  7. How cute are these! I've never seen or heard of them before!

  8. All great photos. I love the pear in the hand.

  9. I lov the gentle stillness hre.Beautiful foto'sXxJoyeux Nol Dor

  10. Cute little things! Perfect subjects for a still life!
