Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Summertime - Peony

I love peonies - the hand-sized bloom heavy with layers of delicate petals and a sweet subtle fragrance.

Right now I have a table full of these beauties.  A couple of days ago I raced out and clipped as many of them as I could before a storm blew through.  These heavy blooms on thin stems don't fair well in any kind of windy weather!


I'm joining Texture Tuesday today - I used one layer of Kim Klassen's "Waterfront7" on this image.

Enjoy your day!

Be Wonderfully Odd!


  1. So good that you went and snipped them before the storm hit! I don't even wait for a storm, I bring them all in. Your still life is beautiful with the "from above" perspective and the matching towel - love!

  2. ...and after the storm, we can enjoy your beautiful Peony still life :) wonderful perspective!

  3. Oh gosh, Sheila!! This is just so lovely, the plaid fabric and cutters! LOVE it so much!

  4. There is just nothing like the peony, for softness. It comes across so well in images. Love the set up here Sheila and glad you got to these before the storm.

  5. They are wonderful. And they smell sooooo good.

  6. Beautifully done! Love the way you have placed the peonies.

  7. How very beautiful! LOVE that tea towel! My peonies didn't come up this year, hubby says he doesn't have a clue why but I'm thinking he sprayed them with weed killer so he wouldn't have to mow around them!!! Grrrrrr. I'll fix him, I'll just get some more! And keep a better eye on him when he has weed killer in his hands!

  8. ~so very pretty! Peonies are sure to be in Heaven!

  9. Beautiful still life! That cloth is a perfect background. (Peonies are just starting to open here - I can't wait!)
