Tuesday, June 3, 2014


I'm joining Texture Tuesday with a little rabbit love <3

I love spotting the sweet rabbits that visit our back yard and snapping a photo of them as they stop to nibble a bit of clover.

I used one layer of Kim Klassen's "Sanded" texture on these images.

I hope that you are having a great day!

Be Wonderfully Odd!


  1. they do love their grass don't they, I run into these every morning. so many here in the desert. Lovely captures.

  2. Sheila, you hit the jackpot with your rabbits for our TT nature theme! Wonderful. Sadly, we have to chase our visiting rabbits away. They don't eat our grass, they eat our flowers. We planted some milkweed for the monarchs and the little stinkers ate them!

  3. Oh, how cute! Love the effect of the texture.
