Friday, July 19, 2013

Finding Yellow in nature

I’m joining Friday Finds today

I’m seeing lots of yellow in the garden lately.  I notice lots of pinks and purples in early summer, but in the bright summery days of July the yellows seem to be everywhere – glittery and golden.

These are the kinds of photos that I’ll look at again when I am tired of winter and its’ too many bleak grey days – a reminder of brighter and warmer days of summer.

Do you like or dislike the color yellow?  I’ve only recently begun to appreciate this color; sometimes yellow can be too warm, brassy, and “attention getting”.   But it can also be beautifully soft and barely there, or act as a highlight when placed next to another color like green, blue, red, orange . . . almost any other color :)

Have a great day,

And be wonderfully odd!




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